Fill in the pairwise Verlet list entries for the given cell pair if needed and compute the interactions.
- Parameters:
r | The runner computing the pair. |
cell_i | The first cell. |
cell_j | The second cell. |
pshift | A pointer to an array of three floating point values containing the vector separating the centers of cell_i and cell_j . |
- Returns:
- runner_err_ok or <0 on error (see runner_err)
- Parameters:
r | The runner computing the pair. |
cell_i | The first cell. |
cell_j | The second cell. |
pshift | A pointer to an array of three floating point values containing the vector separating the centers of cell_i and cell_j . |
- Returns:
- runner_err_ok or <0 on error (see runner_err)
This routine differs from runner_dopair_verlet in that instead of storing a Verlet table, the sorted particle ids are stored. This requires only (size_i + size_j) entries as opposed to size_i*size_j for the Verlet table, yet may be less efficient since particles within the skin along the cell-pair axis are inspected, as opposed to particles simply within the skin of each other.